I have been wanting reusable pens for quite some time and a few of weeks
ago managed to get some decent
fine tip gel pens
from Muji. To keep these organised I designed a compact vertical case that
the pens "clip" into like so:
Also here are some fancy renders from SolidWorks Visualize. These were
rendered in 2018 SP5 using "glass fiber" as the material to mimic the clear
PETG look:
3D Printed Christmas Tree
This model was on my backlog for ages, and now it has finally
Exciting news, I have combined the receiver & barrel assemblies to get a better idea of how things will be functioning
together :D
Currently the whole thing is controlled by 3 Arduino Nano's. This may sounds a
bit overkill but doing so allows me to run time sensitive modules in parallel,
which is a must for the animation sequences
Also, since the previous update the firing/cycling rate has increased to ~5Hz
thanks to a stiffer spring. I can push it further but I would need to increase
the PWM duty cycle, which would make the coil run hotter (think higher average
current). This is something I am a bit cautions about as the body is printed
in PLA which has a low glass transition temperature (~65°C)
I guess if I don't manage to reach 9Hz then we can call this the AR1.5
prototype ;^)
Couple of closing notes:
I plan to print the final model in PETG which has a higher glass
transition temperature (~80°C), so will have the option to push more
current through the coil
I want to try using a couple of sensors to get the firing pin position,
this way I won't be purely reliant on PWM as I could simply switch the
coil off once the firing pin has reached the end